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cDc releases Goolag hacker

Notorious hacker group, the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc), has released a web auditing tool, which uses the Google search engine to find vulnerabilities on sites.

The group claims that the Goolag Scanner enables everyone to audit his or her own web site via Google.

The scanner technology is based on "Google hacking," a form of vulnerability research developed by cDc member Johnny I Hack Stuff.

Available a downloadable application, Goolag makes use of 'dorks', or detailed search patterns that show untapped results for web sites previously indexed by Google.

February 27, 2008 | | Comments (0)

DRam crack can break disk encryption

Researchers have found a way to foil disk encryption. A report from researchers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Princeton University and Wind River Systems concluded that many current consumer disk encryption programs can be compromised via a computer's DRam.

The problem is that data can remain in stored in memory even after the system is shut down. By cold-booting the system, an attacker could access data from the DRam and retrieve encryption keys.

But unlike many security problems, this is not a minor flaw; it is a fundamental limitation in the way these systems were designed.

February 24, 2008 | | Comments (0)

DVD Jon unveils doubleTwist platform

DRM hacker, DVD Jon, has today unveiled the fruits of his labour as founder and CTO of doubleTwist. The initial doubleTwist product offerings include doubleTwist desktop, an application featuring an intuitive interface for sharing, consuming and syncing personal media; and "Twist me!," a social network application that allows users to share media directly from their profile pages. The beta release enables consumers to share media with their Facebook friends and provides sync support for the Sony PSP, Nokia N Series, Sony Ericsson Walkman & Cybershot phones, LG Viewty, and Windows Mobile smart phones such as those from HTC and Palm. Apple iPhone users will soon be able to view content they receive from friends by accessing doubleTwist from their phone's Safari browser.

February 19, 2008 | | Comments (0)

Second Life terrorists?

Terrorists may be using virtual worlds such as Second Life to meet and exchange ideas, security experts have warned.

The claims were made by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), part of the US intelligence community which looks at developing technologies.

February 8, 2008 | | Comments (0)

Second Life terrorists?

Terrorists may be using virtual worlds such as Second Life to meet and exchange ideas, security experts have warned.

The claims were made by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), part of the US intelligence community which looks at developing technologies.

February 8, 2008 | | Comments (0)

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